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Feel like nothing has worked for you before?

We hear that a lot. And we understand how frustrated you must feel. We’ve heard story after story of how people have tried everything to heal their skin. From prescription steroids to coconut oil, to aloe, to magnesium oil, and all the way to special honey from France - nothing seemed to give real results, except a healing balm of grass-fed tallow.

Our ancestors knew tallow...

Softened their skin

Ended the itching

Stopped their cracking and bleeding*

Restored moisture & firmness

Penetrated deep to promote healing*

Made them look young and vibrant

Indian woman who uses tallow for her skin.

Rely on Ancient Wisdom

Animal fats have been an important part of traditional medicinal salves, ointments and poultices for thousands of years. 


Ancient Babylonians, Australian Aborigines, American Indians, and even our great grandmothers knew the power of animal fats to promote healing. This is the ultimate summation of best–practices.

Happy boy who used tallow balm.

Most of us have something about our skin we don't like.

We struggle against dryness, acne, or even eczema. These skin problems make us feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, or even ugly. And many of us have tried everything under the sun to heal our skin.


So Grace & I brought back what our ancestors knew worked: A healing balm of grass-fed tallow. Our nutrient-dense tallow will end the struggle so you can have skin you love.*


Our tallow is from rendered suet, which is the hard, white fatty layer that surrounds an animal’s organs, specifically the loins and kidneys.


Not only does our tallow supply fatty acids like CLA, oleic acid, and palmitic acid, but also contains vitamins A, D, K and E in very small amounts.


We mix in just a small amount of organic olive oil to make it easier to apply. And our essential oils are all certified pure therapeutic grade (CPTG) and third party tested. This is truly prized nutrition for your skin.


We can’t wait to hear how tallow will finally end the struggle and give you skin that looks and feels truly healthy. Email us your success story at

Dr. Jaime Seeman is a OBGYN and shares in this video how our tallow cleared her daughter's skin quickly.

Dr. Jaime used our tallow to clear her daughter's skin fast

How to get skin that looks & feels healthy


Buy tallow

Choose between a few different scents of our tallow balm or if you have sensitive skin, try our unscented option.


Apply to area of concern

For best results, apply a few times per day - especially if your skin is in rough shape.


Love your skin!

Not only will your skin look great and feel healthy, but you'll feel even better knowing you restored your skin with a 100% natural product.*

Love Your Skin

End the struggle against dryness, acne, and eczema.

Woman who used tallow for her skin.
Lavender tallow balm
Vanillia tallow balm
tallow balm for men

The best tallow is made from rendering suet, which is the hard, white fatty layer that surrounds an animal’s organs, specifically the loins and kidneys. Not only does tallow supply fatty acids like CLA, oleic acid, and palmitic acid, but also contains vitamins A, D, K and E in very small amounts. It is a powerhouse of nutrition and has been used by our ancestors for thousands of years to heal and protect their skin. Learn more about tallow here

What is tallow?

We recommend using your tallow up within 6 months to a year. If you need to keep it longer, simply store it in the refrigerator or freezer. Do be sure to avoid getting moisture inside the jar. 

How long does tallow last?

No, our tallow is not greasy. But we know what you're talking about. We can't stand that greasy feeling either. Instead of sitting on the top of your skin like some creams do, you'll find our tallow soaks deep within. It penetrates deep into your problem areas, leaving a wonderful softness without any greasy lotion feeling. 

Is tallow greasy? 

Most people don't experience any kind of detox reaction. If you're not familiar with what a detox reaction is, it's simply a release of toxins that have become embedded in the skin from the environment or from using harmful products. The release happens because you ate or used something healing, in this case, tallow. Those who worked through it have reported amazing looking skin after about a week.

Will I get a detox reaction?

Yes, in fact you can replace your daily moisturizer with tallow. And you only need a small amount to completely hydrate your face and neck. For many women, tallow has even given them the confidence to go without makeup. 

Can I wear makeup on top of tallow?

We never cease to be amazed at how tallow has helped our customers with their many and varied skin conditions.From soothing acne and dryness to reducing wrinkles and restoring a radiant glow, tallow has worked wonders for our customers. Please visit our testimonial page by clicking here to read their stories for yourself. We can't wait to hear your story! 

Does tallow improve all skin conditions?


For Eczema

Hydrate your skin, get off steroids*, and stop the itching. 


Click the arrow to learn more


For Dry Skin

Tallow will provide deep healing*, work fast, and give you lasting hydration. 

Click the arrow to learn more.


For Acne

Using grass-fed tallow a few times per day will reduce breakouts* and speed healing time*. Women even report feeling confident enough to go without makeup and let out their natural beauty. 


Click the arrow to learn more.


Lavender tallow balm.

Restore Your Skin With Tallow*

Tallow Works Fast

Dana from PA

"All three of my children have had eczema pretty much since birth. It goes away during the summer months but always comes back. Within days of using Noaic Balm, I saw definite improvement and now their skin is almost completely cleared up. They ask for it multiple times a day!"

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