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Tallow for Eczema

100% grass-fed tallow to rehydrate your skin

Hydrate your skin.

Stop the itching.

Get soothing relief.

Person who used tallow for eczema.

Dr. Jaime Seeman is a OBGYN and shares how our tallow cleared her daughter's skin quickly.

Dr. Jaime used our tallow to clear her daughter's skin fast

Your skin desperately needs moisture

When eczema gets bad it’s extremely tough to live with. Your skin feels dry and scaly and damaged. The itching keeps you up all night and you may start to see some raw flesh from the constant scratching. But there’s hope. You can end the struggle against eczema and deeply moisturize your skin with a 100% natural product that actually works - tallow.*

Lavender tallow balm for eczema.
Ancestor who used tallow.

Rely on the Ancients

Ancient Babylonians, Australian Aborigines, American Indians, and even our great grandmothers knew the power of animal fats to promote healing. Now you can use their wisdom to help your eczema.* This is the ultimate summation of best–practices.

End the struggle against eczema


Buy tallow

Choose between a few different scents of our tallow balm or if you have sensitive skin, try our unscented option.


Apply to area of concern

For best results, apply a few times per day.


Experience deep, soothing relief

Not only will you calm and restore your skin*, but you'll feel even better knowing you nourished your skin with a 100% natural product.

Father and daughter who used tallow.

You don’t have to suffer from eczema any longer

Many people struggle with eczema.


From red, inflamed skin to dry and flaky patches, eczema is no fun. Perhaps the worst is when the itching and scratching gets so bad your skin begins to bleed and you can hardly sleep at night.


Many long for a natural solution that will actually work and get off their horrible steroids. We’re so sorry you’ve had to struggle for so long. But we’re glad you’re here.


Grass-fed tallow is a truly natural product that will make the difference for you.* Our grass-fed tallow will deeply nourish your skin with fatty acids like CLA, oleic acid, and palmitic acid and also with naturally occurring vitamins A, D, E, and K. You'll feel the soothing relief from your very first application. 

We can’t wait for you to experience the deep nutrition our tallow will provide. You don’t have to suffer from eczema any longer. We can’t wait to hear your story.

How tallow balm helps with eczema

Get soothing relief

Our grass-fed tallow will deeply nourish your skin with fatty acids like CLA, oleic acid, and palmitic acid and also with naturally occurring vitamins A, D, E, and K. You'll feel the soothing relief from your very first application. 

Hydrate your skin

Unlike some plant creams that seem to only sit on the surface of your skin, our tallow absorbs quickly and penetrates deeply to rehydrate even the most severe patches of your dry, flaky skin.

Stop the itching

Tallow will soothe your skin so you can break the itching cycle and sleep peacefully.

Tallow Works Fast

Dana from PA

"All three of my children have had eczema pretty much since birth. It goes away during the summer months but always comes back. Within days of using Noaic Balm, I saw definite improvement and now their skin is almost completely cleared up. They ask for it multiple times a day!"

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